About this Program

The primary mission of the Ph.D. 在卫生服务研究是培养领导者和问题解决者,其专业服务将改善人口的健康不仅在东弗吉尼亚,而且在全州范围内, 在全国范围内, and inter在全国范围内. 卫生服务研究人员检查卫生保健的质量和有效性, primary and managed care, new technologies, 以及其他重要的卫生服务和相关的公共卫生研究实践课题. 卫生服务研究人员从事多种职业, including academia, 行业, professional organizations, research centers, health policy groups, clinical settings, and in federal, 状态, 当地的, and international agencies.

Program Highlights

  • 该计划的目标是使学生能够进行和解释卫生服务研究, to formulate and analyze 公共卫生 policy, 领导解决人口卫生保健需求的项目和组织,并直接与社区成员合作,使他们成为政策制定过程的一部分.

  • 该计划的毕业生将培养必要的关键技能,以整合适用于公共卫生和卫生服务问题的知识和能力.

  • Students will be able to design viable programs, manage resources, 并衡量向人群提供公共卫生干预服务的有效性.

  • 学生可以选择3篇文章的格式来满足论文的要求.

  • 学生在进入该计划时将与研究导师相匹配.

Doctor of Philosophy
Delivery Modes


Check out these ideas from ODU Career Development 服务sOccupational Information Network (O*NET). 中位数工资是人们通常收入的中间值——一半的受访者收入高于中位数工资, and half earned below.

Medical and 健康 服务s Managers

$111,680 Median Salary

计划, 直接, or coordinate medical and health services in hospitals, 诊所, managed care organizations, 公共卫生 agencies, or similar organizations.

健康 Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary

$122,890 Median Salary

Teach courses in health specialties, in fields such as dentistry, laboratory technology, 医学, 药店, 公共卫生, 治疗, and veterinary 医学.

校友 职业生涯

Department of 健康 & 人类服务
Office of Minority 健康
George Washington University
Sentara 健康 Systems


进入卫生服务研究哲学博士课程的学生应符合大学的最低入学要求 研究生 入学.

Students are admitted to the Ph.D. program during the fall term only. Applications for admission are reviewed by the Ph.D. 健康服务研究项目招生委员会. 填写申请表并将所需材料提交给招生办公室, Old Dominion University. To qualify for admission, 申请人必须满足研究生水平的一般大学入学要求以及特定的课程要求, 包括:

  • A completed master’s degree from a program that is accredited by a specialized accrediting agency; degrees such as M.D., J.D.D。.D.S. are also acceptable;

  • A minimum acceptable grade point average of 3.50分(4分).0 scale) overall for the master’s degree;

  • 研究生入学考试(GRE)是不需要的,但强烈建议.

  • 非英语母语者,托福成绩不低于550分(网考79分);

  • 所就读高等教育机构的正式成绩单;

  • A current curriculum vitae or resume;

  • 来自能够评论申请人博士研究的准备和承诺的来源的三封推荐信. 至少两个, and preferably all letters should be from academic sources; other letters must be from professional supervisors;

  • 一篇1500字的论文,讨论申请人的学术和职业目标. This essay should discuss how the Ph.D. in 健康 服务s 研究 program will contribute towards meeting these goals; and

  • 面试(Zoom或面对面),讨论申请人的研究重点,是否符合项目教师的专业知识.

For 入学 to the 健康 服务s 研究 Program


填写申请表并将所需材料提交给招生办公室, Old Dominion University.


Estimated rates for the 2023-24 academic year. Rates are subject to change. 任何目前不是弗吉尼亚州居民的人都将被收取非居民费率. That includes international students.

Virginia Resident
成本 Per-Credit $599
成本 Per-Credit $623
成本 Per-Credit $1,439


这里有一些方法可以让你节省参加ODU的费用. 欲了解更多信息,请访问大学学生财政援助